The advertising campaign`s status reflects the state of campaign at the moment. Statuses are needed to make a campaign management more comfortable for you.
An advertising campaign may have one of the following statuses:
While creating a campaign, it is automatically given the “Draft” status.
The campaign stays draft until you add devices connected to a player (to get to know how to connect devices with a player, read the “First steps and device connection” article, the information about adding a device to a campaign is given in “Campaigns” chapter (step №9)).
The campaign remains "Scheduled" until the time specified in the campaign schedule arrives on the device.
If necessary, pause the campaign, open the drop-down list and click "Pause".
This opportunity is needed to quickly turn on and turn off the campaign`s broadcasting (including planned). Your content will be uploaded to the device and the broadcast starts only after you activate the campaign. Open the dropdown and click "Active" to make the campaign active.
Also you can remove the campaign from a campaigns` list to an archive. Open the dropdown list and click "Archive".
This is important: campaigns in archive can not be broadcasted.
The campaign for which it is broadcasting time (at least at one device) is given the “Active” status.
If necessary, pause the campaign. Open the dropdown list and click, then on “Pause”.
This opportunity is needed to quickly turn on and turn off the campaign`s broadcasting. Your content will be uploaded to the device and the broadcast starts only after you activate the campaign. Open the dropdown list and click, then on “Active”, to make the campaign active.
You can also remove the campaign from a campaigns` list to an archive. Open the dropdown list and click, then on “Archive”
This is important: campaigns in archive can not be broadcasted.
The advertising campaign paused by the platform’s user is given the “Paused” status. This campaign is not broadcasted on the devices.
To start the campaign’s broadcasting at the scheduled time, unpause the campaign. Оpen the dropdown list and click “Activate”.
To stop the campaign and delete its content from devices, оpen the dropdown list and click “Stop”.
You can also remove the campaign from a campaigns` list to an archive. Оpen the dropdown list and click “Archive”.
This is important: campaigns in archive can not be broadcasted.
The campaign stopped by the platform’s user is given the status of “Stopped”. Also, AdPlays, CPM, CPV campaigns that have not reached the goal (the number of impressions, potential contacts, views), but have reached the end date specified in the settings, will also be in the “Stopped” status.
If the user stopped the campaign (or it is finished on schedule), all content files for broadcast would be deleted from the devices (if these devices are connected to the internet).
If necessary, you may restart the campaign’s broadcasting: Оpen the dropdown list and click “Restart”.
This is important: Restarting the stopped campaign’s broadcasting may require the schedule’s setup.
You can also remove the campaign from a campaigns` list to an archive. Оpen the dropdown list and click “Archive”.
This is important: campaigns in archive can not be broadcasted.
Timeline Ad Campaign and Calendar Placement that reach the specified end date will also be in the "Finished" status. As well as AdPlays, CPM, CPV campaigns that have reached the goal (number of impressions, potential contacts, views), they will also be in the “Finished” status.
The advertising campaign removed to an archive by one of the users.
If necessary, a campaign may be recovered from the archive. To do this click on “Recover” button.
Also there is an opportunity to completely remove a campaign from the platform: Оpen the dropdown list and click "Delete".
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