Displayforce Player provides an operating system optimization mode to improve device performance. Enabling auto-configuration is recommended for devices that are used only with Displayforce Player. It is not recommended to use this feature on POS and personal work systems.
When enabled, changes are made to a number of settings, a list of which is given below. When autoconfiguration is disabled, the values are restored to their default status.
When applying / disabling the function on Windows, you must wait 1 minute after starting the execution and restart the computer.
- asks for permission to use the camera
- asks for permission to use the microphone
- enables application autostart at OS startup
- disable the lock screen if possible
- application update policy settings
- improving the performance of the Wi-Fi adapter
- admin rights request
- root request
- auncher installation request
Includes 3 types of configuration:
1) Minimum.
- enables application autostart at OS startup
- setting power options
- performance tuning of wireless adapters
- peripheral performance tuning
- configuring hardware power management services
- disable power saving mode
- setting the maximum performance mode
- hibernation setting
- configuring OS error handling
2) Standard. Includes minimal auto-configuration settings as well as:
- hiding the taskbar
- configures automatic login without a lock screen
- settings for the correct return to health after sleep mode
- OS bootloader settings
- unlock advanced screen features
- hiding desktop icons
- setting desktop background fill color
- hide desktop wallpaper
- start menu configuration
- hotkey configuration
- hardware button configuration
- audio configuration
- disable Windows Automatic Updates
3) Advanced. Includes all settings:
- enables application autostart at OS startup
- hiding the taskbar
- disable Windows Automatic Updates
- configures automatic login without a lock screen
- settings for the correct return to health after sleep mode
- disable Windows 8 start menu
- setting power options
- hibernation setting
- OS bootloader settings
- setting exceptions for the player on network interaction
- disable system effects and animations, optimize performance
- disable service keys to prevent unauthorized access
- setting the visibility of system windows about warnings and errors
- setting the visibility of system context menus
- setting the appearance of system notifications
- OS focus interception setting
- OS windows activation setting
- disable push notifications
- setting up automatic reboots to install updates initiated by the OS
- disabling OS hints
- notification center setting
- customizing system browser context menus
- setting up disk space notifications
- paging file setup
- setting process priorities
- setting up touch event handling
- setting window animations
- setting up the visualization of contacts with the screen
- gesture visualization settings
- on-screen keyboard settings
- setting up sound schemes
- unlock advanced screen features
- hiding desktop icons
- setting desktop background fill color
- hide desktop wallpaper
- configuration of behaviors in case of hardware failures, BSOD, fatal crash, etc.
- configuring OS telemetry sending services
- customizing offer features
- unpin suggested Windows 10 apps
- disable OS telemetry collection
- disabling Cortana
- disable windows 10 hint tiles
- setting up positioning services
- unpin windows 10 start menu tiles
- autorun setting
- setting the behavior of the power button
- disable sleep mode
- turn off monitor off
- performance tuning of wireless adapters
- peripheral performance tuning
- setting the display of system notifications
- setting the maximum performance mode
- setting video decoding policies
- disable disable hard drives
- disable power saving mode
- disabling automatic shutdown of peripherals
- enabling Wake Timers if possible
- configuring hardware power management services
- forces the changes and settings made to take effect
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