To create a project which will broadcast 1 video + 1 photonews in cycle, you need to make the following settings:
- Create a new project in the Displayforce Designer editor, add the "Interface Editor" component to the project and create two scenes in it (in the example above, these are scenes with "Video" and "Date and time").
- Scene 1 "Video" is configured as follows:
- Click on the "Media Gallery" icon on the toolbar;
- Choose the "Position" section on the right side of the screen. Set the size of the media gallery. The standard resolution set for the 1920x1080 panels, the registration point is the upper left corner, so set the value for X and Y as 0;
- Click on the "Layer" section. Select the source by clicking on the "+" button, choose the source "CMS". Set the random order of the content playback inside the media gallery;
- Click on the "Actions" section. Press "+" and select 1) "on one element played". 2) In the submenu, select "go to";
- Click on the action "OnElementPlayed: go to" choose the icon with the chain and select scene 2 "Date & Time" (After this setting there will be the following playback scenario: after one video clip from the media gallery will be played the scene will go to scene 2 "Date & Time").
- Photo News Settings (Scene 2 "Date & Time"):
- Click on the "Text" icon on the toolbar;
- On the right side of the screen, click the "Source" button, and select "Time";
- Add one more layer and specify "Date" in the source;
- Add the third layer and specify "CMS" in the source (This layer will display the text data for photo news);
- To add a media gallery, repeat steps from the paragraph 2. For the action set the transition to the scene 1 "Video" (One random photonews + it's text article will be shown and after that the project will return to the scene with video).
- After configuring the project, press ctrl+w and save the project. In the Displayforce Disigner control panel, right-click the project and select the "Upload to cloud" option. The project will be downloaded to the platform.
- In Displayforce Manager, create a new advertising campaign based on the downloaded template, fill it with content, create playlists, add poject devices and save the advertising campaign.
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